AAPL invites you to join us for our 2021 Virtual Appalachian Land Institute! Hear from industry experts and leaders as they discuss trends, forecasts and educational topics relevant to that industry. While we wish we could meet in-person, this virtual opportunity will allow attendees to conveniently log in from their computer and attend the seminar without leaving the comfort of their home or office. Don’t miss your chance to:
1. Earn up to 7.00 RL/RPL/CPL credits, which includes 1.00 ETHICS.
2. Earn CLE credits from PA, WV, OH.
3. Learn about relevant industry topics, includuing:
- A Comparison of Wind Power and Oil and Gas Land Work
- Practical Use of the Dormant Mineral Act and Marketable Title Act
- An Overview of Acquiring Property for Solar Projects
- The Marcellus and Utica Shales: The Appalachians 3rd (or 4th) bite at the Energy Apple.
- Dealing with the Downturn (Panel Discussion)
- Going from a Purchase and Sale Agreement to a Closing
- Ethics
**Webinar registration is PER PERSON**
Sharing login credentials is not allowed and credits will not be given to anyone who has not purchased the webinar.